Family Ministry

We joyfully welcome every age to our worship and community life!

The Old Scotch Church enjoys membership and participation from every generation. We are intentional about intergenerational connections for every age and stage of life. We seek to know our children and our youth in order to encourage and support them as they grow. In particular, we offer to our children and youth:

  • Sunday School for children in 1st to 5th grades
  • Presbyterian Collective Youth events for Middle School and High School students
  • Engagement with our children and youth in liturgy, ushering, and worship roles
  • Invitation to participate in our Youth Deacon role
  • Mission Trips
  • Events that offer connections across generations
  • Mentors in Confirmation Classes

Music Ministry

As a congregation with a focus on excellent traditional worship, our music ministry is a key part of worship. Our music director, Maurine Granat, has guided our outstanding choir for decades, and continues to teach and encourage vocalists of any age or skill level.

The ADULT CHOIR is open to anyone who loves to sing, and they provide for the worship of God through our anthem, special services, and occasional memorial services. In the summers, members of both the choir and the congregation provide individual or small group special music for worship. Come join the joyful lifting of voices at 7 PM practice on Wednesdays!

The CHILDREN’S JOY CHOIR sings in worship on occasion with any child in the 5th grade or younger welcome to come join in the music-making. Practice is after worship and a short time of fellowship (especially on cookie Sundays!). Children learn wonderful songs, often with their whole bodies, as they are introduced to the joy of music.

The INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ministry is for those who play an instrument and would love to share their talent. Instrumentalists might accompany an anthem, play as special music, or be part of our annual instrumental group that plays for an outdoor worship service the first Sunday of August. Those who want to play need only contact our Music Director, Maurine Granat. She will gladly find ways to share your music!

Missions Ministry

Our missions work extends in concentric circles as we reach from our local community to the world. Both our Missions team and our Deacons seek to meet the needs of others. We are especially attuned to the hunger needs around us, as well as the education needs of children in nearby schools. Some of our ministries include:

  • Feeding and spending time with homeless youth once a month
  • Bringing school supplies to schools when their mid-year supply is running low
  • Offering Alternative Christmas gift options that range from support for our local food bank to buying a flock of chickens for a family in a developing country
  • Being in contact and support of Christians seeking to make a difference around the world
  • Holding special offerings for emergency needs
  • Helping families have a special meal at Christmas and Thanksgiving
  • Contributing to all five PC(USA) mission offerings each year
  • Going to places of need through mission trips that are available to every age for their service

Memorial Services Ministry

Families of church members are welcome to contact the church office or Pastor Tracie to receive pastoral care and begin making arrangements for memorial services.

We offer memorial services for non-members who are being buried in our cemetery, either in a graveside service (year round), or a service in our sanctuary (except during the summer, due to heat, and December). The officiant for non-member services is Chris Macfarlane, our Parish Associate Lay Pastor. Please contact the church office to begin pastoral care and service arrangements with her.

Weddings Ministry

Current church policy offers our wedding ministry to church members only. Those interested in being married in our church who are not members are welcome to attend and participate in our congregational life for at least six months to consider a commitment of membership in our congregation. Interested member couples may contact the church office for more information regarding availability, policies, and procedures.