Tracie Bullis
Pastor Tracie is a native Oregonian who started serving The Old Scotch Church in February 2012 after serving a church in Virginia and Pennsylvania following her graduation from Princeton Theological Seminary. She is committed to shared leadership and authentic community centered around engaging worship for all ages and stages.

Chris Macfarlane
Chris Macfarlane is a Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE)/Lay Pastor. Chris received her PhD in Special Education from Utah State University and brings her love of teaching to serve in whatever is needed whether it be occasional preaching, conducting non-member memorial services, or assisting with pastoral care.

Becky Oswald
Becky Oswald moved to Oregon from Washington state in 2021 and started serving The Old Scotch Church in February 2022. She served several congregations in different ministry capacities before joining the team here. She is also a graduate student studying Thanatology.

Maurine Granat
Maurine Granat has served as our Music Director since 1986, and continues to teach our congregation the joy of music through choirs & instrumental groups. She has a degree in music education and has loved singing in a choir since 4 the grade.

Katherine Kinnear
Katherine has been attending the Old Scotch Church for over 20 years and has served as Treasurer for over 15 years. She enjoys working with spreadsheets and other software and feels blessed to have such an amazing staff working with her. Katherine also sings in the church choir and considers Old Scotch an important part of her spiritual family.

Robi Knox
Robi has served in multiple capacities since joining the church in 2002. In 2009 she was offered and joyfully accepted to serve as Wedding Hostess. Over the years that has evolved into Building Liaison for various events. Her experience growing up as a preachers kid and helping her dad with weddings and special events has been the biggest factor in preparation for this service.

Judy Charles
Judy has participated in youth and adult choirs, bell choirs and as pianist, both as accompanist and soloist throughout her life in all the churches her family attended. They came to Old Scotch Church in 2001. Judy was gently encouraged to play during worship by the other accompanists for many years and has been playing regularly since 2012.

Phyllis Laners
Phyllis was born and raised in Portland, Oregon and is thrilled to be a Baptsbyterian. She started playing the piano at the age of 5 and has enjoyed accompanying choirs and instrumentalists throughout her life. With Masters degrees in Ethnomusicology and Anthropology, she continues to love learning about various music cultures and music from around the world.

Meredith Bach
Meredith F. Bach has loved accompanying the singers in our small sanctuary for over 50 years. After their 1971 wedding in Old Scotch Church, she and her husband, Alan, became members, raising their daughter and son within the loving congregation. Music, art, and children‘s activities have been Meredith’s favorite talents to share.

Scott Ables
Scott Ables began helping with service recordings and website updates during the pandemic, continued with video recording and occasional editing, and helps in the office as needed.